New Paragraph
El ministerio de Alpha y Omega es un grupo de hombres que se reúnen para rezar el santo rosario y estudiar las lecturas para la misa del domingo siguiente y compartir entre si.
Las reuniones son los lunes a las 7:00PM en el Salón numero 2 de la escuela.
Do you desire to serve on the weekend at the altar? Please join us to receive liturgical training to serve at Mass.
Apostolado de la Cruz, esta organizado en grupos que se reúnen semanalmente, con duración de 2hrs. Siguiendo programas completos de formación Evangélica. Todas las actividades inician en el mes Septiembre, y cierran su ciclo de trabajo en el mes de Mayo.
Las reuniones son los martes de 7:00PM a 9:00PM en el Salón numero 3 de la escuela.
Te invitamos a rezar el Santo Rosario por la union de las familias todos los jueves despues de la misa de 7:00AM.
If you are saddened by the recent loss of a loved one, then you need to give yourself some time to work through the natural process of grieving.
The ten sessions are based on the promise that writing your thoughts, feelings and experiences are one of the most helpful ways to get beyod the pain caused by the death of someone you love. The Program has trained facilitators on the use of the book "The New Day Journal".
Evangelizar a través de la oración comunitaria de alabanza, acción de gracias e intercesión usando como elementos centrales la Santa Biblia y los carismas del Espíritu Santo. Adultos y adolescentes a partir de los 16 años de edad son bienvenidos.
Las reuniones son los Martes a las 7:00PM.
Para mas informacion favor de contactar a Eduardo y Verónica Gamiño
Formed in 1903 the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Our patroness is the Blessed Mother, and under her guidance members are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. Catholic Daughters worship together, pray together and help each other be the best Catholic women they can possibly be.
Court Mother of Divine Grace #2717 meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month in the parish hall at 6:30. Our motto is "Unity and Charity".
Ministerio en la cual llevamos la Visión en el fuego de la Evangelización con tres llamas: KErygma, KArisma y KOinonía (KE.KA.KO) Llevanos el nombre del apostol Andrés porque formamos y
Capacitamos "Pedros" que sirvan, prediquen y amen al Señor Jesus mas y mejor que nosotros mismos. Todos son bienvenidos.
Las reuniones son los martes de 6:30PM a 9:00PM en el Salón numero 1 de la escuela.
Eucharistic Adoration is every Friday from 7:30AM to 6:00 PM. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by everyone who prays before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance in our Our Lady of Guadalupe Chaple located behind the Main Altar.
The Lord is waiting for you in the most holy Sacrament, and He longs to give you all of His love there. Come as you are to adoration.
Misa, alabanza y adoracion cada Primer y Tercer Jueves del mes a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia Sagrado Corazon.
Acompañanos trae tu peticion y dejala alos pies de Jesus Eucaristia.
Knights of Colombus Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month, from 6:45pm-8:30pm in room 2 of our school building. Current and prospective members are encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact Grand Knight Jacob Trevino.
En el ministerio Guadalupano nuestra principal mision es servir a Dios a traves del ministerio dedicado a nuestra Madre La Virgen de Guadalupe, Nuestro Amor y Servicio son: Mantener la limpieza de nuestra Iglesia; asistimos 5 o 6 hermanos Guadalupanos todos los Sabados de 8:00am-11:30am. Queaseres que realizamos son lavar y planchar los manteles del Altar, limpiar bancas, cofesionarios, capilla y mas.
Servicios a la comunidad:
Rezar el Santo Rosario en funerales en ambos lenguages, y apoyamos a la Casa Lidia para jovenes embarazadas que necesitan ayuda.
Nuestras juntas son el segundo lunes de cada mes alas 6pm en el salon 207 del salon parroquial.
Procesiones cada terser sabado o domingo en las santas misas.
The Choirs at Sacred Heart are open to singers of high school age and older. This choir's repetoire includes traditional hymnody, psalmody, chant, and choral anthems. Joined together in song, under the talented direction of our choir directors from each Mass.
The Contact Information for each Choir Director is found below feel free to contact them if you are interested joining one of our parish choirs.
Saturday - 5:00 PM - ENGLISH
Maggie Anzaldua: 956-655-0173
Sunday - 7:30AM - SPANISH
Bobby Mora and Antonio Castillo: 956-383-3253
Sunday - 10:00AM - ENGLISH
Julito Pepito: 956-330-8528 &
Sunday - 12:00PM - SPANISH
Martin Peralez:
Sunday - 5:30PM - ENGLISH
Freddy Cantu or Melissa: 956-457-3178
Pair of Hands was created in the begginning of 2015. The purpose of the ministry was to unite our parish community in maintaning our parish facilities and grounds, while also getting younger parishioners involved in serving our church. The Pair of Hands ministry would like to invite anyone who is willing to donate their time to help maintain our Sacred Heart Parish.
For further information regarding the Pair of hands ministry please contact our parish office.
Unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. If interested in any of these ministries, please contact the Rectory.